1. Preheat your oven, aiming for about 375 to 400 °C (700 to 750 °F) on your pizza stone.
You can check this quickly, accurately and from a safe distance with an infrared thermometer. (You’ll want to see some hot flames rolling over the ceiling of the oven.)
2. If using live scallops: Place each scallop back in its cleaned and dry half-shell, along with any roe that may have come away from the scallops while you were preparing them.
If using live scallops: Place each scallop back in its cleaned and dry half-shell, along with any roe that may have come away from the scallops while you were preparing them. Evenly space and place the shells onto a baking tray.
If using pre-cut scallops: Evenly space and place each scallop into your cast-iron skillet pan.
3. Drizzle each scallop with ⅙ of the olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper.
Turn the scallops over in the oil and seasoning a few times.
4. Place ⅙ of the chorizo (about 8 pieces) and ⅙ of the minced garlic around each scallop.
Place a cube of butter on top of each scallop and evenly scatter the other 6 cubes around the skillet or tray.
Tip: If using pre-cut scallops, make sure to use pre-cooked chorizo.
5. Slide the tray or skillet into the oven and cook for about 1 minute.
Wearing oven gloves, carefully remove the tray or skillet from the oven. Scatter the chopped parsley over the scallops, turn the tray or skillet 180 degrees and return it to the oven. Cook for another 45 seconds to 1 minute, then lift the tray carefully out of the oven so as not to spill the juices.
6. Divide the scallops between 2 plates (take care with the shells as they will be very hot), and squeeze over fresh lemon to taste.
Carefully pour the juices from the tray or skillet into a bowl. Serve with a salad and/or fresh bread and enjoy!